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Existence wants you to be you

"When we live in alignment with our true nature, we begin to experience a level of comfort and acceptance for who we are, instead of chasing who we are not."Lynette Hagins

What is
Human Design?

Human Design is a universal language describing our reality. It has certain structures and defined laws and Human Design describes the mechanisms behind the curtains.

Human Design shows you how to use your body’s consciousness as a decision-making tool to finally start living as your true self.

Meet Elena

Hi, my name is Elena, I am a certified
Human Design analyst and guide.

Each person is a mysterious and amazing being, full of beautiful gifts and talents.
Often the owner of the treasure is totally unaware of what he holds.

I would be honoured showing you your design and inner wealth, to help you realize you already are perfect. 

My Readings

All my online services are
available worldwide.

I always try to provide my clients with practical guidelines on how to implement the new knowledge into their daily life. Each person is so unique that every reading is very exclusive and tailor-made.

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My Testimonials

“You certainly know how to present a topic; on the Workshop it was very deep and from a different perspective. Normally I am fast, but with you I started to decrease my speed and started noticing the details and the world suddenly turned to be richer and more colorful. And I am very thankful for your support, it was very important for me.”

Sacral Generator

“Elena, I want to say thank you for the Foundation Reading today. I have gained so much priceless information about myself. My body is either hot or cold and my face is on fire. Awareness comes with feelings of joy, happiness, relief, understanding of myself and my essence. I know now that everything is fine with me. I accepted, that as a generator, I need to trust myself more. And if you make it a practice, it can become so simple! I wonder how the processes initiated today will develop further. One more realisation is that it can be very helpful to get behind yourself for your own good.”

Sacral Generator

I would like to share more about Human Design. Thanks to you, it has become a topic of research for me at work. I looked at the profiles of key employees. And although I didn't go deep, even from that perspective it is all so accurate! I have even made some adjustments to people's tasks and their professional duties. It really works. Good concept!

Emotional Manifestor

“I felt very comfortable with Elena. During the Reading itself and also afterwards, when she replied on additional questions. She is very involved and interested to deliver this information and makes sure it was understood correctly. As though she feels when it is not the case.”

Mental Projector

“Elena, I am very grateful for the Reading and your time! It was very interesting to go deeper into myself through your words and incredibly accurate examples and points. Now I know I am ok and there is nothing that has to be improved.”

Sacral Manifesting Generator

Elena, thank you so much for the reading! I really liked the way you laid everything out, and especially how subtly you connected all my chart details to each other and to my Solar Return👌. Also, thanks for the clear recommendations. With instructions like this I'm more relaxed going into my personal New Year. I want to listen to it again and understand it even more deeply.

Sacral Generator

“Elena is gifted in her ability to interpret and explain the complex yet simple concept of Human Design. I’ve studied the realm of human psychology, physiology, spirituality and the cycles that influence those aspects of our existence for over a half century. I was interested more from a general scientific exploration type perspective but was amazed how accurate and insightful Elena was with her talented use of the tools promoted with Human Design. 
After my own private appointment with Elena, my wife and I had a joint meeting with her and we both found Elena and her conclusions very accurate and helpful. 
I would encourage anyone who wishes to understand more deeply what drives and influences their thoughts, emotions and actions to take a serious look at Human Design and use Elena and her gifts and training to help interpret and understand how it all fits together in your life.
You’ll be glad you did! Blessings to you and your quest!"

Sacral Generator

“On the Workshop, because of your warmth and attention, I have realized how priceless the focus of a Projector can be. You have managed to show yourself and I see the value of Projectors in my life. Your way of presenting material is very profound.”

Emotional Manifestor

Read more reviews on my Testimonials page.
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