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Generators and the sub-type Manifesting Generators are the most active of the Types. Gifted with high energy levels, they are constantly transforming energy into action.

The Generator is a genuine doer.


The type makes up almost 70% of the population. Main patterns in social dynamics are formed by and for Generators. They are constantly occupied in life with small or big actions, as long as their energy levels allow them to do so.

Generators are here to do what they love to do most.

How to find this? Well, every type has its own Strategy or behavior model how to navigate through life.

Ideally, Generators have ‘to respond’ to life requests. It may be a question, a picture in a magazine, an article on the Internet, a movie, a book and such.

The body of the Generator, in his natural state, operates in a way to continuously respond to all manifestations of life.

Generators are here to answer questions and prefer a simple yes/no response.

I always see confusion in the Generators’ eyes when being asked: “what do you want to eat?” or “where do you want to go on a vacation?”. The ideal question would sound more like: “do you want to eat soup?”.

If you are reading this and you belong to the type, you may like a little experiment.

Next time you are in a restaurant, ask the waiter for suggestions on what to order. Observe your body reactions by the name of each dish and through the 'feeling' of your 'response' you will find your best choice. Is it not more satisfying this way?

Why follow a respond? Well, it leads the Generator towards the mastery of life and satisfaction because of his achievements or just the process itself . It will also increase energy levels. If a Generator makes decisions based on only trusting the mind or outer authorities, frustration will take place. “I have to”, “I promised”, “I cannot say no”.  They feel stuck and lose the power to dedicate themselves. As a result, energy levels will go down.

Famous examples of Generators include Madonna, Mother Teresa, Stephen Hawking and Vincent Van Gogh.

Discover all there is to know about living your life as a Generator with a Foundation Reading.



Projectors as a type only recently appeared in 1781 when humanity came under influence of the planet Uranus. The type emerged to bring a new form of leadership through guidance.

Instead of giving orders they tend to ask first and give importance to conditions, natural gifts and desires of a person.

Projectors focus on others instinctively and have the ability to deeply recognize talents, capabilities and natural expertise of other individuals. If someone is ready for a profound dive into oneself, they will invite a Projector into their life.

“Wait for an invitation” is the Strategy or behavior model of Projectors 


When their skills and guidance are appreciated and valued by others an invitation becomes mutual beneficial in various relationships (friends, lovers, family or colleagues).

Professionally, a Projector will stay a Projector, highlighting to colleagues and clients their qualities and characteristics. The best aspects of the Projector are only uncovered after receiving an invitation and focusing his potential in guiding others.

It is an unnatural state for the Projector to initiate things or actions in life. Giving advice without a request, he will feel unnoticed, unrecognized and rejected. This uncomfortable state leads to bitterness. The secret is to await your invitation. Don’t worry! The right people will come and places will open up to you when the time is ripe.

If you are a Projector, try the following experiment. During a meeting, don't give opinions before you are being asked. Try this for a month and discover what happens. Weren't you more acknowledged?

Famous examples of Projectors include Marleen Monroe, Osho Rajneesh, Kazimir Malevich and Barak Obama.

Discover everything there is to know about how to live your life as a Projector with a Foundation Reading.

Business Meeting


Manifestors are an Energy Type like Generators, however their energy is limited and focused.


I compare them to bowlers using a lot of power,  right on target

but only hitting one pin at a time.


Manifestors are innovators. It’s in their nature to prefer the unknown paths and point the direction for the others. They normally have a developed strategical mind with the possibility to overview things from far ahead.

It allows them to foresee certain circumstances and to pave new routes, ideally used by Generators.

Manifestors’ energy is enough to breakthrough and create a new path later supported by the Generators’ creative force.

In order to serve their purpose, they have a build-in defense mechanism shielding them from outside influence.

The type is very close and not designed to be controlled but instead to initiate action and lead the pack. Their inaccessibility is often seen as a challenging for others to understand what is really going on inside them.

The Manifestors’ Strategy ‘to inform’ is key in reducing resistance in life.

Whenever people or circumstances resist their initiative, Manifestors feel anger. And a lot of it. A wrecking ball, destroying and hurting everything that crosses its path.

If a Manifestor informs and notifies involved parties of forthcoming actions, he or she will not meet refusal. It brings him or her to a state of peace.

Famous examples of Manifestors include Antoni Gaudi, Frida Kahlo, Adolf Hitler and Robert De Niro.

Discover all there is to know about how to live your life as a Manifestor with a Foundation Reading.



Reflectors form a very small minority. It makes them rare, different and unusual. The purpose of Reflectors in our society is rather limited, they mirror or ‘reflect’ all processes and people. A Reflector always represents his or her community by mirroring a mosaic of characteristics of the people around, including yours.

Reflectors have the slowest and most unhurried of personalities. They are more connected to the planets and other celestial bodies, especially to the Moon. Consequently, Reflectors don’t have many stable characteristics and repeat the same pattern of identity each lunar cycle.

The decision-making Strategy of Reflectors is ‘to wait a lunar cycle’ in order to have the opportunity to observe the full pattern of his identities.

For Reflectors, time makes everything right, or not at all. Things run their natural course and nothing can be forced.

After a month of looking at the situation from all different aspects of his/her entire personality, the Reflector can conclude things and finalize his decision.

Reflectors are here to encounter new, interesting and unusual things,

people and places.


Most of the time, these occurrences will take them by complete surprise. In fact, “seeking surprises” is the main motivation in the life of Reflectors. But if Reflectors find themselves in the wrong place, meeting the wrong people, it will end in disappointment.

There are not a lot of examples of famous Reflectors out there. The small list includes Sandra Bullock, Ammachi (“The hugging saint”) and Fyodor Dostoevsky (Russian novelist).

Discover all there is to know about how to live your life as a Reflector with a Foundation Reading.

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