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Bodygraph & Centers

Centers, channels and gates can be coloured (or defined), while others remain uncoloured (or undefined). The difference between defined and undefined is huge. Defined features tell us about our permanent characteristics functioning under any circumstances, age, mood, etc. These are considered to be our strong and reliable features.

Open activations are influenced by the people around us. Since you depend on who is next to you, there is no stability here whatsoever.


Defined centers operate autonomously and constantly exchange information with each other through the channels. Undefined centers are not able to work independently.

The most fundamental part of a bodygraph is the centers. Each of the 9 has its own specific function. Let’s go through them one by one, from top to bottom.

The HEAD CENTER creates the mental pressure we need in order to comprehend life. It explains our curiosity and desire to overcome ignorance, misunderstanding or lack of meaning. This center is the origin of all the principale questions the mind generates.

The AJNA CENTER is occupied with the mental processing of pressure coming from the Head Center. Our mind resides here. It thinks, comprehends and structures data. Specific opinions, ideas and concepts are formed as a result of this process.

The THROAT CENTER is the source of manifestation, action and expression. It determines how we speak and act. In fact, this center does not express anything on its own but brings information from the other centers into existence. It might be mental knowledge (Ajna Center), self-expression (G Center), intuition (Splenic Center) or various kinds of energy release (Sacral, Heart and Solar Plexus Centers).

The G CENTER represents love, direction and self. If defined, the person has a permanent sense of direction and (self) identity. People with an undefined G Center are more flexible and can express love and self in many different ways. Both defined and undefined G Centers are equipped with a GPS instrument to navigate us through life.

The SACRAL CENTER is exclusively defined in Generators’ charts. Life force, vitality and fertility on the planet originate from here. The energy of the center is universal and restored on a regular, daily basis. Satisfaction is the Generators’ highest good and found through ‘responding’ to life requests.

The ROOT CENTER is a powerful accumulator creating adrenaline-based pressure to handle stressful and problematic situations. This center is a concentrated energy hub ready to release the accumulated capacity to make it through emergency circumstances.

The SPLEEN CENTER connects us with all other life forms. This center is responsible for our physical safety and characterised by unexpected, spontaneous reactions without any logical explanation. Just run for your life! In life threatening situations, it’s our animal survival instinct that kicks in.

The SOLAR PLEXUS CENTER produces energy for pleasure, joy, sensuality and other emotional experiences. The outcome is not always positive. Emotional dramas, crises and melancholy also release energy from this center.

The HEART (EGO) CENTER drives willpower, competition and ego. It produces the force for creating and managing anything on the material plane but only for finite periods of time.

The center operates in work/rest cycles. There is our overall self-worth that lives here.

The centers are divided in following categories:


The top and bottom centers are the source of pressure. They are the pushing points for the movement of energy in the bodygraph. Both of them tend to accumulate pressure which demands a periodic release.

  • The Root Center is the pressure to act

  • The Head Center is the pressure to think


They provide the ability to cognize, to be aware of the world around us.

  • The Spleen Center is the animal awareness of the moment

  • The Ajna Center is mental cognition

  • The Solar Plexus Center is emotional, spiritual awareness.                 Its potential will only be revealed after 2027



Each of them generates energy covering different needs.

  • The Sacral Center is universal creative energy

  • The Root Center is energy to deal with stress situations.                            and pass obstacles

  • The Solar Plexus Center is energy for pleasure and joy

  • The Heart Center is our will power



  • The G Center


  • The Throat Center. The energy of the entire  bodygraph flows here to find its expression into existence.

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