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The 12 Profiles

1/3  Investigator - Martyr


The archetype of the eccentric scientist working down in the basement on his/her experiments. Very unconfident at first when it relates to new things, however through detailed study and research, the 1/3 can become a true authority in a certain field.

1/4  Investigator - Opportunist

This type of personality loves to investigate and study things deeply and into the smallest details. He externalizes the results his network of friends. The 1/4 first builds a solid foundation through study before he influences his close circle. 

2/4  Hermit - Opportunist


Two opposed sides combined in one person. One side wants to stay in solitude and let things flow in their natural way. The other side is very friendly and desires the social contact. The hermit needs other people to open up his natural gifts.

2/ Hermit - Heretic


This profile is a paradox. Gifted with talents but rarely revealed to close relatives or friends. His heretical ideas and views on things (how to save the world for example) most of the time inspire people who don’t know him very well.

3/5 Martyr - Heretic


Adventures are always around the corner for this profile, constantly running into issues. Fortunately, the 3/5 is a real specialist in problem solving and getting out of impossible situations. Afterwards, through integration he or she can use the past experience for the benefit of others.

3/6  Martyr - Role Model


Loves to experiment and discover new things in life. The 3/6 lives by trial and error, not afraid of making mistakes in the process. In time, he or she becomes a role model in living your authentic self.

4/6  Opportunist - Role Model

Your best friend. Interested in opportunities initiated through friendship, always looking for the win-win. The 4/6 loves to influence others and can be a role model in a close group of relatives and friends.

4/1  Opportunist - Investigator


The spider in the web connecting and uniting people. The 4/1 first conducts detailed research before influencing his network. Unnoticeably, everyone around gets involved in the field of his/her interests.


5/1  Heretic - Investigator


The saviour who came here to make this world a better place. Sees the problems, studies to find the best solution. Afterwards, he or she is ready to share everything with the general public. Preparation is key before providing any solutions otherwise the 5/1 may lose his reputation. 

5/2  Heretic - Hermit


Another saviour carrying a lot of projections and expectations from others they are trying to help. The 5/2 needs to feel a special calling before acting upon something, because of the limitations of natural talents and gifts.

6/2  Role Model - Hermit


This is a person who dedicates the first 30 years of life going through the variable experience and the following 20 years observing how others do it. Only after the age of 50, the 6/2 has the possibility to live a unique, authentic life.

6/3  Role Model - Martyr


The life of this Profile sometimes looks far away from being perfect as it can be chaotic and full of adventures. Nevertheless this role model can present his or her  uniqueness in any given situation and is not afraid of making errors in the process.

Congratulations! You have reached the end of my introduction to the Human Design system. If you want to find out everything there is to know about YOU personally, then a Foundation Reading is exactly what you are looking for.

Give up the struggle with life and start living your design today!

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